Oh Occupational Health and Wellbeing

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Musculoskeletal issues

Musculoskeletal conditions are a major area of expenditure for employers; within the NHS it has resulted in comprising a separate ‘programme budget’ which in 2009-10 consumed £4.76 billion (over £13 million a day).

This represents a greater spend than on neurological conditions, diabetes, infectious diseases and is equivalent to the level of expenditure on respiratory conditions. Expenditure on musculoskeletal conditions has risen rapidly in recent years and it is now the fourth highest area of NHS programme budget spends (Sourced from The Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Alliance (ARMA).

Most work environments can result in employees with common musculoskeletal complaints including, back, neck, shoulder and knee pain. Physiotherapy rehabilitation can often speed up a return to normal function/ability and help people get back to work more quickly if they have been unable to work.


To access the OH physiotherapy appointment service, individuals need to meet one or more of the following referral criteria:

  • Be currently off sick due to a MSK condition
  • Have had repeated episodes of sickness for the same MSK condition
  • Have had an injury at work resulting in a MSK condition
  • Have had to change duties or roles to try and stay at work due to MSK condition

Physiotherapy assessment and treatment can help improve your MSK work-related condition. It will help support you with this condition at work or in getting back into work.

The physiotherapy team is located in the Oh Occupational Health and Wellbeing building on the Cambridge Biomedical Campus.

If you feel you require physiotherapy and the MSK condition isn’t work-related, please contact your GP to ask for a physiotherapy referral within your local area.

You can use the link below to help locate where your local physiotherapy service would be:

Find physiotherapy services - NHS (opens in a new tab)