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Workplace adjustment service

CUH ambition and principles

Our ambition through providing workplace adjustments is to ensure that everyone working at CUH has the right support in place to enable them to do their job well.

We are committed to a workplace where all staff, including those living with disabilities, impairments, long term or fluctuating health conditions and those who are neurodivergent, feel they belong, are supported and can thrive in their job roles.  This includes all staff, whether substantive, fixed term, bank, trainees, apprentices or contract workers.

Our disabled staff, neurodivergent staff and staff with health conditions work in a wide range of roles across the organisation and manage a huge breadth of disabilities, impairments and health conditions.  While there is no one-size-fits all approach, this guidance sets out some key principles and processes to ensure staff can access the right support.

Identifying what workplace adjustments are required

Some individuals may know exactly what workplace adjustments they need to support them in their role, others may require assistance to identify adjustments that would be of most benefit.

This service is for physical equipment/adaptations and not for modifications to working hours or duties. These requests are managed by your Line  Manager in the first instance.

If circumstances are more complex and specialised support and guidance is required, Occupational Health will be able to provide advice via a Management Referral.

Listening to and valuing an individual’s experience of the workplace and their expertise in managing their own disabilities, impairments, health conditions or neurodivergence is vital to ensuring the more appropriate workplace adjustments can be identified and implemented. Workplace adjustments should be discussed with the line manager in the first instance and then requested by emailing the workplace adjustments team.

Frequently asked questions

Do I have to have a disability to apply to the Workplace Adjustments Service?
The legal duty is for reasonable adjustments to be provided for people who meet the Equality Act definition of disability but that this process will consider requests from people who do not. A set budget has been made available for workplace adjustments and there will be a panel involvement in the decision-making process. In order for the available budget to be used for items that are required as a priority, please note that our approval parameters will be regularly reviewed.

Do I have to have my manager’s permission?
Ideally for them to be aware of the request yes. However, if for any reason you do not feel able to discuss this with your manager please email the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Team and they will endeavour to support you.

Can I order items to be used at home for home working?
If you work from home permanently or for a significant part of your week and the equipment is crucial to your working from home role, complete a Working from Home DSE checklist and this will highlight any equipment needed. You can then submit a request form for workplace adjustments to be considered. The centralised adjustments fund should not be used to buy standard equipment for home working e.g. a standard office chair – departments should be funding this (as set out the in the modelling for hybrid working categories). The centralised adjustments scheme is for those that have a health need that requires support to enable access to work.

Is this service confidential? I do not want my colleagues to know about my medical condition.
The service itself is not confidential, nor the equipment provided. However, all medical conditions and personal information will not be shared and all trust policies re confidentiality will be maintained.

How long will the process take? How long will I need to wait to get my equipment?
Unfortunately time scales are unable to be provided. It is all based around service availability and delivery schedules.

Can I order standard IT equipment like a mouse through you as the item is out of stock with IT?
No. This service is not for ordering standard DSE equipment or computer hardware.

Who decides whether I can get an adjustment?
The workplace project team with support of a multidisciplinary team Panel to support decision making and advice on complex cases.

Can I keep the equipment if I move role or leave the Trust?
Predominantly the answer to this question will be no. However, an example where it would be a consideration (and include discussions re costs/contributions transferring to new employment if applicable and appropriate) is if the equipment has been specially bespoke made for you and is unable to be transferred and shared with anyone else- ie specialised chairs. This will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

I am not sure if my reason for wanting an adaption is allowed, how do I check?
By completing a request form and having a conversation with a project team member.

Do I have to pay a deposit for the equipment?
No. All costs are covered within the project.

Who pays for the adjustments?
There is a centralised budget for workplace adjustments.

I already know what piece of an equipment I need can I just ask you to order it?
Potentially yes. You will need to complete a request form to ensure the equipment you are asking for meets your identified needs.

Who do I speak to if my equipment doesn’t work?
You can report the problem via emailing the workplace adjustments team.

They will respond with advice and any manufacturer/contact information you may require.

Can I test out the options before ordering an adaptive piece of equipment?
Yes, you will be able to with some equipment. There is a demo area set up within Occupational health.

What happens if I do not find the equipment provided suitable? Can I change it?
The equipment provided to you is identified through the information you have provided and your individual needs. There is a demonstration area in Occupational Health where you are able to view some of the common items that you may be able to test/view/trial.

It will not be an automatic procedure to change equipment. In some circumstances this may be possible if there is another piece of equipment that may be more suitable whilst continuing to meet your needs. This will based on individual circumstances and availability.

Can I order items for a patient on my ward who needs adaptions?
No. This service is ONLY for CUH staff.

Can I get adaption equipment on behalf of someone else?
No. All adjustments and adapted equipment is based on personal specifications and individual assessment.

I work for Bank can I apply?
Yes you are welcome to apply and submit a request form.

I have an honorary contract can I apply?
Yes you are welcome to apply and submit a request form.

I am a volunteer can I apply?
You are welcome to apply and your request will be reviewed.

I am a student on placement can I apply?
You are welcome to apply and your request will be reviewed.

For further information, including referral forms, please see workplace adjustment information on CUH Connect (opens in a new tab). (Please note you will need to login via your NHS.net account to access)