Oh Occupational Health and Wellbeing

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Information about your occupational health appointment

Please read before your appointment.

What is occupational health?

Oh Occupational Health and Wellbeing helps keep you healthy and safe whilst in work and will assist you to manage any risks in the workplace that are likely to give rise to work-related ill health. You may visit or need the support of occupational health for many reasons including:

  • Pre-employment
  • Health screening
  • Blood tests
  • Immunisations
  • Health surveillance
  • Management referral
  • Physiotherapy
  • Psychological support
  • Return to work

What does the occupational health professional do?

The Oh Occupational Health and Wellbeing professional’s role is to look at the effect that work may be having on your health, and/or the effect that your health may be having on your work and provide you with immunisations to ensure you are adequately protected at work.

Who will I see?

The occupational health multidisciplinary team comprises of; OH Nurse Advisors, OH Consultants and doctors, OH technicians, physiotherapists. Our OHNA’s are qualified nurses who hold a post registration occupational health qualification. Our OH Consultants are Registered Doctors who also have a qualification in OH medicine. As a training unit we also have Registered Doctors with a special interest in OH, most of whom will be working towards a qualification in OH medicine. Our OH technician is our version of a health care assistant with skills in venepuncture and qualifications in health surveillance.

How long will the appointment last?

The appointment will last between 10 – 60 minutes dependent on the type of appointment. If you are more than 15 minutes late for your appointment we reserve the right to reschedule.

What will happen during the appointment?

This will depend on the appointment reason. You may for example have a blood test, immunisation or undergo a health surveillance test such as a lung function or hearing test. Or you may have a consultation in relation to a health condition impacting on work (and vice versa) or a discussion regarding returning to work after a period of sickness absence. You may need to bring identification with you especially if you require blood screening for EPP work (examples: passport, driving license, Addenbrookes ID badge).

Is the appointment confidential?

Yes. The service provided by Oh Occupational Health and Wellbeing is subject to medical confidentiality. All the staff at oh Occupational Health and Wellbeing understand their responsibilities to maintain confidentiality & clinical staff work within their professional codes of conduct.

Occupational health reports to managers concerning an individual’s fitness for work will be discussed and agreed with the individual concerned prior to sending the report. This advice should be treated by the recipient as sensitive personal data in respect of the Data Protection Act 2018*. Confidential medical information may only be disclosed if:

  • the individual consents
  • there is an over-riding duty of care to a third party, or
  • there is an order to disclose information by a court of law

For information on how we store and use your information and health records, and how you can request access, please see the contact details on our website.

What type of appointments do you offer?

We offer various types of consultation to suit you and your needs such as telephone, face to face or video.

If you require any support to attend appointments, or would like a different type of consultation to the one you have been offered please do contact us to discuss this further either by phone 01223 216767 or email.