Oh Occupational Health and Wellbeing

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Outbreak management

A disease outbreak in a lab or hospital could have a catastrophic impact on the organisation if unmanaged, putting staff and patient safety at risk. We are here to help manage the situation, offering support and guidance to staff.

What is an outbreak?

An outbreak is when a communicable disease is suspected when a group of patients, staff or visitors in an organisation/hospital are epidemiologically linked. An outbreak can occur when a communicable disease is exposed to susceptible individuals or is at risk of being exposed.

What is outbreak management?

The management covers both the prevention of potential outbreaks and detection and management of actual outbreaks.

What do we do?

We follow a well-planned, efficient protocol produced by CUH. This protocol is not limited to the management of an outbreak of a notifiable disease. It also applies to other communicable diseases that may have serious implications such as legionellosis. Our team is responsible for advising staff that may become symptomatic during an outbreak in their working environment. We offer a confidential, efficient and supportive service to help staff members be screened, treated and supported during any form of outbreak.

If you believe there is an outbreak in your organisation/hospital with staff members displaying symptoms and you would like our assistance, please contact us by calling: 01223 216767 (ext. 216767) or email the Oh helpline.

CUH staff

CUH staff must notify their manager of any illness that could be related to a communicable disease and report to occupational health. The Infection Control Team must be informed if symptoms are suspected to be part of an outbreak or likely to initiate one. Symptomatic staff should be excluded from duty, leave the hospital and contact us as soon as they can for testing and support.